
Argentina is one of the main countries in South America. Located at the extreme south of the continent, and with an area of more than three million square kilometers, it offers the tourist a variety of natural attractions, with different climates and landscapes. We encourage you to visit the site of the Secretariat of Tourism of the Argentinean Government. There you will find information on the different programs that Argentina offers to the visitor. Do not forget to look for information on Patagonia, the Iguazú Falls, the Ischigualasto Valley and the Northwest Provinces.

Buenos Aires

With over three million people, Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina, and one of the main cities in South America. It is a modern city, that offers many activities to the tourist. Check the Official Tourism Site of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires for the most up to date information on the city and its attractions. You will also find there an interactive map, and useful information on Argentinean currency, climate, language, customs and safety.


The official travel agency of the conference is

Booking Travel S.R.L.
Sr. Carlos Hatcherian
Av. Corrientes 922, Piso 6, Oficina 34
C1043AAW - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: (+54) 11 4393 0456
Mobile: (+54) 11 15 5758 2258
E-mail: - -

Information and assistance with transfers, tours and tourism in general can be obtained via the Travel Agency, including promotional air tickets and tours inside Argentina. For details on the lodging see the Accommodation and Travel page.


The meeting will be hosted by the Group of Relativistic Astrophysics and Radio Astronomy (GARRA) and the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía, under the auspices of the Argentine Astronomical Society (AAA) and the National Research Council (CONICET) of Argentina.

The lectures and presentations will take place in the Main Lecture Room of the Aspen Towers Hotel, in the centre of Buenos Aires City. It can accommodate up to 140 people. There is a separated room for posters and another one for informal discussion (e.g. concerning future instrumentation). Participants are encouraged to visit the Registration page now!