Final program (PDF)
Abstract book (PDF)
Invited speakers
Invited observational reports
Other activities
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Maximum poster dimensions must be those of an European A0 format (84.1 cm width by 118.9 cm height).


Physics topics
MHD Active Galactic Nuclei
Particle acceleration Gamma-Ray Bursts
Jet formation Microquasars
Radiation and absorption processes Pulsar winds

Recent observational results
Potential of future gamma-ray instruments in the field

Invited speakers

Here is the list of invited speakers and their contributions. Clicking on the titles will show you the corresponding abstracts.

J. Arons Pulsars and pulsar wind nebulae
M. Beilicke Ten years of TeV gamma-ray observations of M87
L. Drury Recent progress in particle acceleration theory
N. Gehrels GRBs: recent observational results
E. Gouveia Dal Pino MHD processes at the jet base
D. Harris Can multiband observations constrain explanations for knotty jets?
D. Khangulyan Microquasar jet models
S. Komissarov Blandford-Znajek mechanism and relativistic jets
A. Königl Jets: open problems and challenges
A. Levinson Jets on all scales
B. Lott New Insight into gamma-ray AGNs from the Fermi-LAT
J. McKinney The jet/disk connection: theoretical aspects - GRMHD simulations of ultrarelativistic jets
I.F. Mirabel The jet/disk connection in black holes: phenomenology
R. Narayan Magnetic acceleration of relativistic jets
J. Poutanen Non-thermal processes in black hole coronae
A. Pozanenko Overview of GRBs
C. Reynolds Physical conditions near accreting black holes
L. Stawarz Multiwavelength aspects of relativistic jets in AGNs
F. Tavecchio Gamma-rays from AGNs
Y. Uchiyama Synchrotron and IC jet emission in quasars
G. Vila Radiative processes in jets
B. Zhang Recent progress in GRB theory

Invited observational reports

Here is the list of invited observational reports. Clicking on the titles will show you the corresponding abstracts.

R. Abbasi Large scale cosmic rays anisotropy as observed with IceCube
U. Barres de Almeida Results from H.E.S.S. observations of relativistic sources
D. Harari Search for nearby extragalactic sources of the highest energy cosmic rays
J. Rico Results from the observations with MAGIC
M. Tavani AGILE presentation
T. Weekes VERITAS: status report

Other activities

A day-long excursion to the countryside is planned, including a Conference Banquet, in a "gaucho environment". Departure/arrival times from/at Buenos Aires are planned around 9:00 and 19:00. The excursion includes transportation from/to Buenos Aires, the Conference Banquet -an Argentinean "asado" in which you can enjoy delicious Argentinean meat dishes-, free soft drinks and wines during the stay, a country picnic with maté and pastries, the use of the swimming pool, a horseback ride, a demonstration of "gaucho" skills ("doma"), and a show of typical Argentinean songs and dances.