Invited and contributed papers will be published in the International Journal of Modern Physics D. The editors of the special journal issue will be Professors G.E. Romero, F.A. Aharonian and J.M. Paredes. All papers will be subject to review by SOC members and, if necessary, also by external reviewers.
Here you can find guidelines and typesetting instructions for authors. Macros and templates for the Proceedings can be found here, together with the corresponding ReadMe file.
Page limits are: 10 pages for reviews, 8 pages for invited papers, and 6 pages for contributed papers.
All authors must fill in and sign a copy of the copyright transfer form, which must be presented at the time of their registration in Buenos Aires. A box labelled "copyright transfer forms" will be available at the registration desk for that purpose. Blank copies of this form will be available at the registration desk also.
Manuscrips must be sent to as a single PDF file by December 10, 2009. Once the paper is accepted, authors must submit to the LaTeX source file, and the figures in EPS format. The following filename convention must be used: Einstein_1.tex / Einstein_1.pdf must be, respectively, the LaTeX source and compiled PDF of the first paper of author Albert Einstein. Figures of this paper must be named as Einstein_1_f1.eps, Einstein_1_f2.eps, etc. Of course, only papers presented in the conference can be submited.